Utility/Service Trucks

    2003 FORD F-550

    Description Info:

    2003 FORD F-550. 6.0 Diesel, 4x4 Utility Truck, New Plow Frame On Truck Side, No Plow Included, Good Tires, Ready To Go To Work, $13,000 With Air, Fuel Cell, & Grease, Or Without For $9,500. 401-439-5005 (WB.tm0225)N

    Year: 2003
    Make: Ford
    Model: F-550
    Engine: 6.0 Diesel
    Transmission: 4X4
    Price: $9,500
    Company Name/Private: Private
    City: Coventry
    State: RI
    ZipCode: 02816
    Phone: 401-439-5005